Recently, the Telequipment D66a vintage analogue Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Oscilloscope has been pressed into service using X-Y mode to curve trace transistors, diodes, capacitors, etc. The patterns this creates on the screen are named Lissajous or Bowditch curves, named...
Guitar Pedal Switching – Part 1
This is the first in a series of videos where we look at the processes involved in making a Guitar FX Pedals. Here we explore some of the more common types of bypass switching found in Guitar FX pedals. Starting with a look at basic switches, switching circuits and...
Adjustable Sawtooth Generator
Here we explore the operation of the Adjustable Sawtooth Generator you often see in my videos. We learn about constant current sources, capacitor charging, diode switches, comparator circuits and hysteresis. Both the breadboard and circuit simulator app Falstad is...
Clean Boost Circuit Improvements
This is a basic Operation Amplifier Boost circuit designed for guitar or bass. In this circuit, the Gain is set by Rfb and Ri. Voltage Gain = 1+ (Rfb/Ri)Voltage Gain = 1+(220/100)Voltage Gain = 3.2, or 20 x log (3.2) = 10.1dB Although this circuit will work, it has...